Automate Azure AD account creation from JSM

A typical new hire onboarding process involves HR creating a ticket with details of a new hire, which then requires IT to go in and manually create that user, and assign them the right applications and group memberships. 

Multiplier can automate user creation in Azure AD through the following steps:

Once you've installed the Multiplier app from the Atlassian marketplace, and connected your Azure AD instance, follow the steps outlined below:

1. Create a JSM request type to capture these requests from your users:

2. Navigate to the workflows screen, and Edit the workflow that maps to this request type. 

3. Select the Issue create transition, and add the Multiplier trigger action post function.

4. Select Create User as the action, and map the required and any optional fields needed to create this user, e.g. their display, email, first and last name, etc.5. Click on Add and then publish your workflow to save the changes. 

You've now successfully automated new hire onboarding. You can chain this with other actions such as adding users to groups to ensure your new hires hit the ground running on day 1. 

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