Importing User Access Data for an Access Review Campaign

Multiplier's access review tool automatically syncs user accounts and roles for SSO enabled apps from your Identity Provider.

For non-SSO apps where Multiplier doesn't have access to user/role/activity information, a spreadsheet can be uploaded to perform an access review.

Once you create a new review for an app that currently has no user data, you will see an option to Import Users. Click "Import Users" to import users from a CSV, XLS or XLSX file.

Refer to the below table for guidance on how to format this spreadsheet:

Field Required Purpose
Name Yes Indicate who this account belongs to at your company by entering their name.
Email Yes This is the employee's email address.
Role Yes Use this field to indicate the role(s) of the associated account.
Status No

Use this to tell if the account is active. Suggested values are:

  • "Active"  
  • "Deactivated"
Department No Use this to indicate the user's department.
Job Title No Use this to indicate the user's title
Last Login No This is when the user was last active in the application.
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