Each application can be assigned one optional Category and any number of Tags. Categories and Tags together define the conditions that determine which applications are shown in each application catalog.
To view your applications, navigate to Apps > Multiplier in the Jira Nav Bar. This page displays all applications discovered through your Identity Providers, along with any custom applications you've created manually.
The main table includes a Category column where you can easily manage categories. Simply click the Unassigned placeholder or existing category to modify it.
While Tags cannot be edited directly from the table view, you can modify them by clicking on the specific application. For instance, if you select Microsoft Office 365, its details page will open.
The profile screen allows you to manage both Tags and Categories for the application. Tags are dynamic - they're created as needed and automatically removed when no applications use them.
Changes on this screen are automatically saved.
Important: Only APPROVED applications will appear in application catalogs, regardless of their assigned Tags and Categories.