Enabling self-service access approvals for Okta in Jira Service Management

This guide will walk you through the steps needed to set up Multiplier's self service access request workflow feature once you've connected your identity provider.

Here's a video that demonstrates this feature:

1. Turn on the enable application catalog setting in Multiplier's configuration. This can be accessed through the Apps > Manage your apps in the Jira nav.

2. To display a list of apps on the Jira Service Management portal, you will need to associate the app catalog with a Request Type. If you do not want to use an existing request type, then go to Project Settings > Request types and click Add new request type

3. To provision apps immediately after they're requested, keep the require approval setting disabled. Otherwise, switching it on will display the default approval behavior when apps are requested, which can be further customized for each individual app.

4. If enabling approvals, you'll need to map the workflow status that a request transitions to once approval has been granted. This is how Multiplier determines whether approval has taken place so it can go ahead and carry out provisioning.

5. Select the field the issue uses for populating approvers (this is typically the Approvers field). 

6. Select the default approver – this can either be the application owner, the requestor's manager or a Jira user of your choice.

7. Lastly, select the status Multiplier should transition the issue to once the app has been provisioned. If provisioning fails for some reason, this step will not be carried out.

Populating the App catalog

Multiplier will automatically discover apps once connected to your identity provider. You can view this list by clicking on Apps > Multiplier in the Jira top nav.

By default, all apps appear with an 'Unassigned' status. To make apps appear on a JSM request, they will need to have an 'Approved' status.

Apps that have multiple identity groups mapped to them can be configured with different entitlements to let users select which type of access they're asking for. These access levels can then be mapped to different identity groups.

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